
society programs. we attempt to change and resist the codes through coding uncoding

the uncodes are fragments of writing that are installed such as dialogue (screenplays, plays), essays, post+ notes, and short stories a longer reference to uncoding is also found in the open-access experience, Undissertation notes: A Collective Unraveling

what are post+ notes?

this comes from the open-access experience Pencils Down: Conversation on Humanizing Education during one of the conversations with la paperson, who describes post+ in their work, A Third University is Possible:

"the word postcolonial is disappointing as far as bringing about decolonization and is at best shorthand for complexities of contemporary colonial crap. I only find it useful when an awkward + glyph adds other meanings into it: the post+- colonial. Posts+ are the posting or the updates oncolonialism, the posts or appointed roles within colonizing institutions, the outposts where colonial force needs fortification – but also the postscripts or personal codicils that exceed well-organized colonial script. Posts+ are not "exit signs" from colonialism, like the way postracial or postcolonial is sometime conceived, but sites for reanalyzing colonial and decolonial activities" (p. xxii, emphasis in original).

with this, may these fragments assist you (plural) with the uncoding journeys...


<un-link rel="dominant-society-stylesheet" href=" colonizing minds and saving humanity" />
<resonate rel="un-stylesheet" href="simple markdown a e s t h e t i c " />
<school classroom machines="we left">
<we continue...>

if you want to share an uncode, please email [email protected]
