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society programs. we attempt to change and resist the codes through coding uncoding

<un-link rel="dominant-society-stylesheet" href=" colonizing minds and saving humanity" />
<resonate rel="un-stylesheet" href="simple markdown a e s t h e t i c " />
<school classroom machines="we left">
<we continue...>

Uncode #604: CRIME V. JUSTICE

I see me in crime
not just the letters.
I see me in crime
not just the letters.

Pull up the stats
Who’s in the rule book?
People shooting, stealing, scoring
are not only for the hardwoods
hitting nothing but the air,
which punctures, the realities
between us

I see the US in justice
not just the letters
I see US in justice
not just the letters

US shackled in the confines of justice systems
the "j" is a hook to entice US,
to inflict malpractice upon US

I see the US in justice
not just the letters
I see US in-justice
not just the letters

We remember the song,
We remember our name
It is called as chosen
It is prayed as a prayer