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society programs. we attempt to change and resist the codes through coding uncoding

<un-link rel="dominant-society-stylesheet" href=" colonizing minds and saving humanity" />
<resonate rel="un-stylesheet" href="simple markdown a e s t h e t i c " />
<school classroom machines="we left">
<we continue...>

Commercial break #404: Mem Corp (Memory Corp)

A white woman wearing a black dress, similar-ish to the host at the train station in West World Season 1, is walking slowly from the left of the screen to the right as the camera follows, slowly zooming in to a portrait shot. She speaks.

Memories...You have them. I have them. We all have them. But do we have a place, where our memories can be stored? The collective memories of our great nation as well as the memories of our families. Welcome to Mem Corp (short for Memory Corp).

Upbeat, corporate music (no drums)

At Mem Corp, we store, design, rewrite, and implant memories. Whether it is a dog, a child, a veteran, community, or nation, we implant store memories. Some say USA stands for the United States of Amnesia due to our collective ability to forget. No More!

We don't forget, we remember, albeit selectively. Using our company in multiple levels of multiple governments, we have moved from the USA to the USM – United States of Memories, where we can architect the memories of the masses ensuring that everybody has the American Dream.

Want to learn more about us? Visit our website or schedule a memory consultation with a Mem expert. Plus, we are hiring! So send us your memories resume and we'll get back to you. Thank you. Have a memorable day!